Living with Asperger's Syndrome

Living with Asperger's syndrome can be a little challenging as one does not know or has to continuously use their cognition to interpret general things that neurotypical people have no problem in doing.

Most adults with Asperger's syndrome have high levels of functioning. This means that they do well in some areas of their life and not so well in other areas. Sometimes, an individual with Asperger's might excel in their career because they are well-suited for the profession and are extremely bright.

For instance, an employee with Asperger's is successful because it requires them to be highly structured and does not require them to multi-task.

In other cases, people in the autism spectrum cannot function well in the work environment but can maintain a social life and become good speakers and live life independently. Yet, some others cannot maintain both social and work life but can produce great art (written/ visual/ musical). There are many combinations.

Problems with Fitting In!

Living with Asperger's can be difficult because, in everyday scenarios, one cannot depend on the use of intuition for their behaviors. Through observation, trial and error, a person manages to grasp suitable behaviors in any particular situation.

Also, as a person with Asperger's matures, they develop an understanding of the world. They understand the framework of where they do and don't fit in and then learn and apply strategies and skills to look passable, almost passable for neurotypical. This stage can only be obtained after years and years of constant practice and multiple failed attempts.

Depression and Anxiety

For people with Asperger's, the whole world looks scary and daunting. It is no surprise that they often are anxious and worried that everything might fall apart - this leads to depression and anxiety. Though not all of them suffer from it, most of them do.

Prevalent Misdiagnoses

Even with all the challenges, most individuals with Asperger's successfully learn neurotypical behavior. They are also able to live independently. Some adults who have been taught strategies, tricks and tips to overcome challenges are denied the diagnosis because they don't fit the criteria.

Some others have to go through a lot of misdiagnoses before they land on the correct diagnosis. This leads to a person becoming confused and frustrated as they do not understand their condition and do not receive the help they require.

Identifying with Asperger's—Benefits

Though it looks like no one is actively looking to identify with this syndrome, most people do tend to find out what it is about them that is different.

Usually, when diagnosed, people embrace it because it fits them. It feels like they now have an answer to all the questions they have ever had regarding their behavioral patterns and their pitfalls.

Final Words

While living with Asperger's can be a little tough, most people have managed to live successful lives. They have learned to deal with social situations by trial and error and then succeeded, too.